America Would Benefit from a Rick Perry Frame of Mind

Energy security: Two simple words with a world of meaning. Every nation is competing for energy investment dollars and every consumer on the planet has the hope of a reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supply.

Given that Texas is a global energy leader, the future of energy policy in America would be in good and capable hands with former Texas Gov. Rick Perry as secretary of the Department of Energy. In his own words, Perry’s formula for success was simple: “Low taxes, fair courts, common-sense regulations and a world-class workforce.”

Without being overly complicated, these pillars, he said, are what “keep employers looking at Texas and keep them here long after they arrived.” This is the no-fuss, straightforward leadership America will enjoy should Perry be confirmed as energy secretary in President-Elect Donald Trump’s cabinet. With Perry in that office, America’s best energy ideas will flourish, lighting our nation’s path forward.

As the former 14-year governor of the nation’s number-one oil and natural gas producing state, Perry clearly understands, appreciates and knows how to encourage domestic oil and natural gas activity. But that’s not all. Under this leadership, Texas became the nation’s leader in wind energy with an unprecedented commitment to and investment in electricity transmission infrastructure.

Having presided over one of the world’s largest economies, Perry knows that an all-of-the-above energy portfolio is crucial to support robust economic expansion and population growth. His commitment to accountability and oversight was also evident throughout his tenure in Texas. For example, when Texas communities supported a radioactive waste installation in their area, Perry insisted upon strict oversight and compliance. He’ll bring this same think-big perspective and vigilance to his role in developing and executing energy policy for our nation.

As governor, Perry recruited top-notch leaders to serve in crucial posts that made decisions of consequence for all Texans. Experience confirms he understands that all fifty states are incubators of ideas, and he will be inclusive in his efforts to seek out entrepreneurial genius and pursue watchful accountability.

Beyond his bullish stance on domestic energy production and proven management prowess, Perry’s philosophy about the role of government in general will be a shot in the arm for America, which has been bogged down for too long by bureaucrats and over-regulation. Indeed, many federal agencies in recent years have seemed bent on actively discouraging the American energy independence that innovators in Texas and beyond are working so hard to achieve.

Perry understands that government doesn’t grow jobs — companies and investors in the private sector do. In a globally competitive climate, government can attract investments and jobs by creating an environment where rules are predictable, regulations are science-based and stable, and planning with certainty is possible. Perry has long recognized that when they know what to expect, innovators, inventors and investors will blaze the surest path to prosperity.

Making America great again begins with a strategic energy vision. Domestically-produced energy from any viable source will get America on track to entice investment and jobs. A competitive environment where consumers are the decision makers will ensure consumers are the beneficiaries.

As a state elected official for many years, I’ve been a first-hand witness to Perry’s unflinching devotion to America, his determined executive leadership during natural disasters, and his problem solving during good and challenging times. I am eager for the nation to benefit from a Rick Perry frame of mind. Our economy, our environment and our future will be well served by his service.

Todd Staples

President of the Texas Oil and Gas Association
