Author Profile

Sid Miller

Texas agriculture commissioner


Sid Miller is the 12th Texas Agriculture Commissioner. He is an eighth-generation farmer and rancher and has devoted his life to the agriculture industry, and supporting Texas producers and the communities they call home. He is a businessman, rancher, community leader, former ag teacher, school board member and state legislator.

Latest Columns

Fired up over barbecue carve-outs

Restaurant lobbyists will have a chance to fix scale regulations during the new legislative session in 2019. I will be there again to oppose them. Until then, I must implement the law as written. While some barbecue restaurants are now exempt from regulation of their food scales, most are not.

When it comes to barbecue, trust but verify

The Texas Legislature has decided that everyone that runs a barbecue joint is as honest as the day is long, that they’re so trustworthy they should be exempted from consumer protection laws. Horse hockey. As Ronald Reagan said, “Trust but verify.” I trust my local barbecue guy, but I still want to see that when I buy a pound of sausage I’m getting a pound of sausage.

Why me and not Tommy Merritt

My opponent is a good man and has served our state honorably, but he simply does not have the agriculture background, training and real-world experience that I have earned over the last 50 years.