Why me and not Kinky Friedman

Photo by Bob Nichols
I want to begin by thanking each person who is reading this column. I’m making a commitment to you to work hard and give my all so that the duties of this office are carried out with knowledge and achievement. The money you have entrusted to this office shall be used with wisdom and care.
I have studied the office of the agriculture commissioner for six years in preparation for this run for office. I think a candidate should know its duties and history.
I feel my greatest asset is my experience in agriculture. This office has always demanded that its candidates be experienced in agriculture as the main qualification. The knowledge that I have gained from owning and operating a dairy farm for 32 years will serve me well. My farm today is no longer dairy; instead I raise Black Angus cattle along with a few dairy heifers.
My family revolves around my two daughters, who have both been honor students in college. In 2010, my wife, Tracy, went to be with the Lord. She was my cherished friend.
As a candidate for this office, I believe I have conducted myself in a manner that can be considered both refreshing and inspiring. This campaign at times has been humorous, which is good because of the state of Texas politics.
It is true that I accept no donations and that my whole campaign staff is myself. I did not give up my day job to travel all over the state, but I did give a serious effort to reach the people of this state.
I concluded that the internet and newspapers could reach the most people and spread more information than I could alone. It is a big state, and no matter where you live, you are entitled to know about me.
It has been reported that I am unknown and do not campaign. If you will pause for a moment and Google “Jim Hogan Texas Agriculture Commissioner,” I believe you will be amazed at the amount of information available about me. I think you will agree that those reports can be put to rest.
My goal as a candidate is to provide people a choice for Texas agriculture commissioner. I believe I have succeeded.
May God lead and guide you!